Spring Frittata

A frittata is similar to a quiche but it does not have a crust and is cooked in the skillet. It is incredibly versatile and is great for the end of the week when you have bits of veggies left over and need a quick dish. It can certainly accommodate any meat you might have as well.

Simply chop all your veggies and cook them in the cast iron skillet. You can use another type of skillet but it needs to be oven safe and able to stand the temperature of the broiler. We used broccoli and kale from Signal Mountain Farm, onion, and some squash blossoms I found at the market.

Remove the veggies from the skillet and let cool. Once cooled, mix them with egg and cheese and pour back into the skillet. Let this cook until it just begins to set. Just before you transfer the pan to the broiler, top with the squash blossoms. Put the skillet under the broiler and watch carefully! When the top is browned to your liking then it is done! I love a dish that is simple, quick and very versatile!


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One thought on “Spring Frittata

  1. Looks fantastic 🙂 I’m about to beg my grandmother for one of her many cast iron skillets, and this sounds like a great recipe to try. I found your blog via SWOC, and I’m loving it so far!!

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